Clearwater Personal Injury Attorney

Teresa P. Williams, P.A. Clearwater Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one have been hurt in an accident, you need the help of an experienced Clearwater Personal Injury Lawyer.

Personal injury attorneys are one of the services providers that you rarely think about until you are involved in a car accident. When involved in any kind of accident on public roadways, representation by a personal injury attorney can have immense benefits and that’s why most victims of an accident choose to contact an attorney after an accident.

Choosing to work with a personal injury attorney after an accident has many benefits when it comes to the overall outcome of the accident. What are the benefits of having the right personal injury attorney in Clearwater represent you? In the event of an accident, choosing an experienced personal injury attorney by your side can be your most important asset. There may be more benefits of representation than you think. 

Choosing the Right Personal Injury Attorney Can Have Many Benefits.

If you have been involved in an accident and are wondering if you should seek out a personal injury attorney, here are some reasons why you should consider it. 

Helps Ensure the Best Possible Outcome for You

You may be seriously injured as a result of the accident and there may be other parties involved who are all competing for the same pool of compensation money from the at fault party’s insurance company. If you are not represented by an experienced personal injury attorney and the other parties are. You may not receive all of the compensation that you deserve. With multiple parties competing for the limited compensation money after the accident, seeking representation by a personal injury attorney who is skilled in your type of accident will give you the best chance of getting your fair share.

Get Proper Compensation

Car accidents usually result in severe injuries that can last for months or years before they are healed. Sometimes injuries are permanent. When you are represented by a personal injury attorney who has your best interests at heart, they will ensure that all of your injuries are accounted for. Your attorney will help you seek the proper treatments to ensure that you do your best to resolve your injuries that are non permanent. After you complete your treatment protocol, if any injuries from the accident are still present, they may be considered permanent injuries. The assistance that a quality personal injury attorney provides when negotiating with the insurance company about your injuries can help make sure that you are compensated fairly for your injuries.

Getting Help Fast When You Need It

Motorcycle accidents cause much more severe injuries compared to car accidents for obvious reasons. In the case of a motorcycle accident, it can sometimes be difficult to recover fast simply due to the severity of the damage sustained to the entire body. Due to the lengthening recovery process involved, having the right personal injury attorney who is experienced in motorcycle accidents can help negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to help ensure you get the proper compensation now, when you need it and for the entirety of the damage caused by the accident.

Protection When Commercial Vehicles Are Involved

When a commercial vehicle is involved, the company that owns the vehicle or that employs the driver is often involved too. Many of these companies have a reputation to protect and big budgets to do so. For this reason, representation by a personal injury attorney after a commercial vehicle accident is of the utmost importance. Large companies will often fight tooth and nail to protect themselves from liability and media coverage. Sometimes they will try to avoid all liability and go to the most extreme lengths to do so. Going it alone in this situation can be very stressful. They may ask for many seemingly unimportant details of your life and activities during the days leading up to the accident. Answering these question is without seeking legal advise could end up hurting you in the long run, making it appear as if you should bear more of the liability of the accident than you deserve. Many companies have a lot of resources to hire the best attorneys to try that will work to protect them and reduce their share of the liability.  Make sure you are equally represented properly by a personal injury attorney who is experienced in dealing with commercial vehicle accidents and the aggressive attorney’s these companies like to hire.

If you are not sure whether or not you need a personal injury attorney in Clearwater FL, please give us a call and speak to Teresa P. Williams for free. She will help you make the best choice in your situation. 

About Clearwater

The intersection of US Hwy 19 North and Sunset Point RD is especially challenging. Frontage road provides access to many businesses near this critical intersection, running parallel to US 19 and serving as the only access road to many small businesses along this major highway. The access provided by Frontage road not only serves the local businesses, but it also is the only route to US Hwy 19’s entrance and exit ramps. This can pose a serious problem for Clearwater drivers, vehicles are exiting a major highway at a high rate of speed and vehicles are nearly stopped while pulling in and out of parking lots along the access road. It is very common to have a vehicle exiting the highway here at speeds above 55 mph and zoom right past another driver who is traveling under 5 mph while exiting a parking lot on Frontage Road. 

Gulf-to-Bay is Clearwater’s main artery, from the Tampa Bay side to Clearwater Beach. Clearwater Beach is a popular destination for many vacationers from all over the United States and across the globe. Trucks frequent this route as it is the most direct route to get supplies to the beach. The combination of commercial trucks, visitors, residents and people who work on the Clearwater Beach, can increase the risk of traffic accidents on Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. If you are involved in an accident with a truck in Clearwater, Teresa P. Williams is a highly experienced semi truck accident lawyer and can help get the best possible outcome for you or your family. 

Dangerous intersection in clearwater

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